Sunday, January 13, 2008

Pain Relief - Lower Back Pain

Pain Relief - Lower Back PainBy: Kate Brothers
Almost all of us have suffered from low back pain at some time or other. Most of us have recovered from it within a month or so, but for those remaining few who just don’t seem to be able to get rid of the pain; it is indeed a difficult and depressing experience.But before we get involved with the details, here’s a word of advice. Pain and extent of damage may have no correlation with each other. So, don’t panic if your pain is unbearable. A simple muscle pull may force you to grimace with pain and be bedridden while the extremely serious and critical state of a herniated disc can be completely painless.There are a lot of soft tissues, bones, facet joints, discs and nerves in the lower back and a slight maladjustment can cause severe pain and sometimes the pain may shoot through the legs and reach the feet. So, the diagnosis often becomes really difficult.But diagnostic accuracy is essential to effectively treat a back pain. So, both description of the pain (whether it is a throbbing one, or it shoots through the limbs, or it numbs the lower back etc.) and its exact location (at what point of the waist and how it spreads) are very important parameters which help a doctor to proceed in the correct direction.If the patient has fever, or has a history of cancer, or has suffered severe trauma, or is experiencing major weakness in the legs or is facing a serious problem in holding back his urine or stool, the situation requires immediate qualified medical attention. Generally back pains take place due to either muscle strain, or due to a herniated lumbar disc or any other form of wasting disease of the lumbar discs. Among the many complex reasons which cause back pain one of the most common is the irritation of the many large and small nerves which originate at lower back and spread right up to the feet or palms. The erector spinae may also get strained and cause severe back pain. Another more obvious cause of lower back pain is damage of the bones, joints or ligaments in that area.It may sound strange, but there are some lower back pains which baffle the doctors. Not matter how hard they try, they are unable to pinpoint any cause and are unable to answer why the patient is suffering in agony.But the comforting fact is that most of the lower back pains disappear after they have run their course and only a few really require surgery of any kind. Often, a good physiotherapist is also able to provide much relief. However, in severe or persistent cases, the opinion of an orthopaedic surgeon on the need for surgery could be helpful.Some doctors are of the opinion that lower back pain occurs not only because of physical reasons but may also occur due to mental stress and tension. Stress at the workplace, an abusive or dominating boss, or, incompatibility with professional colleagues can also pressurize a person and a lower back pain may emerge as a psychosomatic disorder. So, if you experience a lower back pain try to relax and you may feel a gradual relief.This article may be freely reprinted for your website, ezine, or blog so long as it’s reproduced in full, with the links, content and author credits unchanged.
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Kate Brothers is a health writer with years of experience. For more of health articles about back pain, visit: The Pain Relief Practice .

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