Sunday, January 13, 2008

Back Pain: Risk Factors, Causes and Treatments

Back Pain: Risk Factors, Causes and Treatments
By: Antonio LeMaire
Back pain is one of the most common medical complaints that doctors hear about. It affects more than 80% of adults at some point in their lives.While it can impact those of varying ages and backgrounds, certain people are more at risk for back pain than others. And there are a variety of strategies they can use for back pain relief.The following is a summary of the main risk factors that could leave you susceptible to back pain, followed by some of the most common causes of back pain, and treatments for back pain relief.Risk Factors for Back Pain* Age. Your chance of suffering from back pain increases with age. Because the discs that provide cushioning to the spine can wear out over time, older people are more likely to experience back pain than the young.* Obesity. Being overweight places an added burden on the spine. This can unduly stress the back, resulting in back pain.* Sedentary Lifestyle. People who sit for long periods of time at a desk are more susceptible to back pain. Sitting, especially in a slumped position, can put you at increased risk for back pain. People who exercise and are more physically active are less likely to injure their backs or suffer from back pain than others.* Occupational Hazards. People with jobs that require large amounts of standing, lifting, bending, and/or twisting are more likely to suffer from back pain. These activities place additional strain on the spine, which can contribute to back pain or injury.* Smoking. Smokers appear to have a higher risk of back pain than non-smokers. This may be related to the fact that smoking reduces blood circulation. In addition, smokers tend to take longer to heal than non-smokers, which could mean that back pain lasts longer for them.Common Causes of Back Pain* Injuries. Pulled or strained muscles, fractures, sprains and other injuries are often the root cause of back pain. These injuries, even when not affecting the back directly, can increase pressure on the spine, which stresses the back.* Spinal Disc Problems. Discs act as cushions between the spinal vertebrae. Disc degeneration, ruptured or herniated discs and other disc-related conditions can result in sudden or chronic back pain.* Arthritis. Various forms of arthritis, or inflammation of the joints, can either cause back pain or make it worse. Osteoarthritis, in particular, is a common cause of back pain among older adults.* Other Diseases or Conditions. Scoliosis, kidney stones, endometriosis, and fibromyalgia are among the conditions that are associated with back pain. In rare cases, back pain may be caused by infection or cancer in the spine.Common Treatments For Back Pain ReliefIf you suffer from back pain, you should consult with a physician for a proper diagnosis and to determine the best treatment options, because the best method of managing your back pain often depends on what caused it.Here are some treatments and pain relief medications often prescribed by doctors for back pain:* Over the Counter Pain Relief. Aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen can all be effective for back pain relief.* Prescription Pain Relief Medication. A variety of prescription medications have been shown to be effective in the treatment of back pain. These include muscle relaxants, narcotics, and prescription-strength anti-inflammatory drugs.* Exercise and Physical Therapy. Chronic back pain can often be eased through certain types of exercise or physical therapy, though strenuous exercise is usually not recommended for acute back pain.* Heat Therapy or Cold Packs. Hot or cold packs can sometimes provide effective pain relief. Cold packs help reduce swelling and can numb back pain to some extent while heat helps loosen and relax muscles.* Alternative Pain Relief Treatments. Some people with back pain have been helped by alternative treatments including: massage therapy, acupuncture and acupressure, and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS).* Surgery. Surgery is considered only in cases where chronic back pain does not respond to other treatments.

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